Getting Started - My Archery Corner - Part 12

Getting Started

The Best Recurve Bow For Beginners

I have put together information for you about the different bow types and their characteristics. Now, it is time to get a bit more into detail. In this article, I want to focus on what would be the best recurve bow for beginners. To say “The Best” is maybe not the smartest thing to say, […]

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What Kind Of Protective Archery Gear Do I Need?

Protecting yourself and others is something you should do right from the start. The bow is a dangerous weapon which must not be underestimated. There are certain areas of your body that have a higher chance of injuries if you don’t protect them. Those are your fingers, your arm, and your chest (if you are a […]

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how to aim with a bow

How To Aim With A Bow – Instinctive Archery

The thing beginners wonder about the most is how to aim with a bow! A traditional bow doesn’t have an archery sight, let alone an iron sight, obviously. To answer this question, I am going to explain several techniques to make you understand how you still can hit your target. This is both fascinating and […]

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